Kootenai County

Libertarian Central Committee


Our Mission Statement:

We strive to reduce the use of force, thus increasing happiness, harmony, and prosperity for all. We believe that the most peaceful, prosperous, socially fair, and tolerant society is one that solves its problems without government force.

View IDLP Platform

The LPID adopts the platform of the National Libertarian Party. Read it here.

Latest News:

Kootenai County Libertarian Central Committee Business Meeting

Kootenai County Libertarian Central Committee Organizational Meeting

Older News, Meetings, and Events

  • History

Meet Chase Oliver & Mike ter Maat
Meet Chase Oliver & Mike ter Maat


“One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.”

Thomas B. Reed (1886)

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  • Links for viewing Libertarian ideals, Events, and other happenings of importance we would like to share with you.

    Recent atricle on the internal Idaho Libertarian conflict. Click here