Organizational Meeting Minutes May31, 2024

  • 31 May, 2024
  • Live recording:
  • 3 of 7 members of the executive committee showed up with the intent of disrupting a legally required meeting. Kris Ward Vice Chair, Matt Loesby Secretary, & Amanda Ward region 1 rep
  • The KCLCC now has 3 officers: Shon Luoma Chair, Jennifer Luoma Secretary, Marissa Kearny treasurer.
  • Shon and Marissa will be working together over the next few weeks to address the issue of filing under Idaho’s sunshine laws.
  • These 3 officers are the only 3 voting members on the Libertarian State Central Committee at this time.
  • No actions can be taken by the executive Committee, or its individual members, on behalf of the party, absent their vote.
  • This will include the calling of the Bylaws Sustaining Members for the purpose of electing county and/or legislative officers. The integrity of the formation meetings held outside the precinct committeman elections conducted by the state is the responsibility of the voting body of the state central committee, and requires their countersignature to approve.
  • Minutes as follows:
  • 08:00 Call to Order
  • 08:00 Roll Call
    • Voting member Jennifer Luoma, Senior elected county official Shon Luoma – Present
    • All members are present. Quorum is 1, Majority is 1, and 2/3 is 1.
  • 08:02 Adoption of Agenda
  • Shon Luoma proposes agenda:
  • – Call to order
  • – Roll Call
  • – Adoption of Agenda
  • – Pledge of Allegiance/prayer
  • – Kootenai County Libertarian Central Committee Officer Elections
  • – Chair
  • – Vice-Chair
  • – Secretary
  • – Treasurer
  • – Standing Committee Persons
  • – Legislative District 2 Central Committee Elections
  • – Adjourn
  • 08:02 Adoption of Agenda
  • 08:03 Votes to adopt agenda:
    • Aye: Jennifer Luoma
    • Nay: None
    • Agenda is adopted
  • 08:03 Pledge of Allegiance/prayer
  • 08:04 Chair election begins
    • Jennifer Luoma nominates Shon Luoma for Chair
    • Votes to elect Shon Luoma as Chair:
    • Aye: Jennifer Luoma
    • Nay: None
    • Shon Luoma is elected Chair
  • 08:04 Vice-Chair election begins
    • Vice-Chair position TBD
  • 08:04 Secretary election begins
    • Jennifer Luoma nominates Jennifer Luoma for Secretary
    • Votes to elect Jennifer Luoma as Secretary:
    • Aye: Jennifer Luoma
    • Nay: None
    • Jennifer Luoma is elected Secretary
  • 08:04 Treasurer election begins
    • Jennifer Luoma nominates Marissa Kearny for Treasurer
    • Votes to elect Marissa Kearny as Treasurer:
    • Aye: Jennifer Luoma
    • Nay: None
    • Marissa Kearny is elected Treasurer
  • 08:05 Standing Committee election begins
    • Standing Committee Persons position – TBD
  • 08:06 Legislative District 2 Central Committee Elections
    • Chair – TBD
    • Vice-Chair – TBD
    • Secretary – TBD
    • Treasurer – TBD
    • Standing Committee Persons – TBD
  • 08:07 Election of other Officers
    • TBD
  • 08:07 Announcements
    • State meeting will be within 30 days and posted 5 days in advance on our website.
  • 08:08 Jennifer Luoma moves to adjourn
  • 08:08 Vote to adjourn:
    • Aye: 1
    • Nay: 0
  • 08:08 Meeting is adjourned